NJECT Emblem New Jersey Emergency
Communications Team

NJECT.us Club Call Sign: NJ2CT
Let's bring North and South Jersey together by combining efforts
to offer "Public Service Communications" to the entire state.

"This is the organization for the Active Ham Radio Operator"

Home Page | OUR MISSION | About Us | Training | Member Application | Hamcram
(Times, places and mode subject to change, contact us to confirm)
Thursday January 51930 hours - Virtual Meeting
Thursday February 21930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Lomell Room
Thursday March 21930 hours - Virtual meeting
Thursday April 61930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Lomell Room
Thursday May 41930 hours - Virtual meeting
Thursday June 11930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Employee Lounge
Thursday July 61930 hours - Virtual Meeting
Thursday August 31930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Lomell Room
Thursday Sept 71930 hours - Virtual Meeting
Thursday October 51930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Lomell Room
Thursday November 21930 hours - Virtual Meeting
Thursday December 71930 hours - Toms River Town Hall Lomell Room

Clickable Links of interest:

ARRL.NET Ocean County ARES Join the U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary What is Amateur Radio?